Saturday, April 16, 2011

Catching Up

Since the transplant there have been many topics I've wanted to blog about, but haven't gotten around to posting. I don't know if it is my procrastination or the fact that I want to have the idea solidified in my mind before keystrokes begin.

In any case, this is more of a stream of conscious catch-up of the first two weeks of April.

My mom's kidney is functioning well. Her recovery is slow, and she is still weaker than pre-surgery, but is continuing to recover.

Cameran is now a full-fledged "walker". Sure it looks a little sketchy, but I would say by the end of the first week of April she became consistently determined to walk. She has perfected crawling, in true Cameran fashion, waiting until she could do it proficiently before showing off. No army crawl for this girl. It's the real deal. When she stands and wants to turn it is hilarious because it is like she is doing the one-footed pivot until she completes a circle and gets turned to where she wants to go.

She even did some great walking with her Special Instructor earlier this week...outside...on grass...on an incline!!

Around the same time the walking began her first bottom front tooth began its emergence into the light. Two little ridges now poke through. Slow and steady. The 2 1/2 toothed 24 month old.

I need to post separately about going to Princesses on Ice. We went with some friends on April 2nd. Girlfriend LOVED the show, and even stayed awake until the last princess at 8:45!
                                                                    Driving to Hershey.

Did I mention she sat in her own seat, courtesy of my friend Heather and my knees holding her seat down since apparently 21 lbs isn't enough weight to do the trick and she folded up in the seat at first!
Last weekend was Ds PlayPals.  Many of our friends were off at CHOP for a Ds conference, but we had fun with two other little friends and even made a field of Easter bunnies during craft time!

ENT appointment yesterday was uneventful. Cameran was given ear drops to decrease the swelling in the ear that has been persistently bothering her.
                                                         Why does she look so grown up?
Hubby passed his Master's Competency Test! Graduation is set for May 21, and his parents are planning to fly in for the ceremony. I am so proud of him (even if I did have to slave away writing proof-reading his papers.)

On a whim last night I decided to call a local ultrasound center to get this baby's gender figured out. I keep thinking that although Wednesday is only five days away, it will be nice to know the gender prior to a Level II ultrasound appointment where they are going to be more concerned with looking for abnormalities than finding out the gender. I am more than a little scared for what Wednesday will bring being that it is really the only glimmer of our odds of knowing whether this baby is totally healthy or also has a little something extra. Either way, ultimately we are still blessed considering we are going to have not one, but two children after being told not a's to hoping for good health and a typical sibling for Cameran to emulate as she grows up. (And yes, there is a gender preference, but I am not even going there being that the first time around I said I just didn't want an ugly baby. Wish granted with an extra helping of genetic make-up ;)

She is pretty darn cute...
 Even when posing as a disgruntled librarian...
I will leave you with Cameran's favorite new face...

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