It got me thinking about this whole living in the moment mantra. In some ways, I feel like Cameran's delays are an excuse for me to cop out of going balls to the wall in terms of festivities and such. At times I catch myself thinking, "She won't remember this [Christmas] anyway", or "I bet she still won't be interested in unwrapping gifts again", or "Do I have to bake REAL Christmas cookies?", or "We don't need a real tree this year because Cami's still little", or "We don't have to freeze at Dutch WinterWonderland this year because Cameran can't walk so we can put off going", and even, "I am too tired to finish decorating the tree." In fact, that last statement is still true. I lugged the tree out of the basement and assembled the whole thing while Cami played next to me on the floor. I even strung the lights and wrapped the ribbon. However, except for the 6 or 7 ornaments I received from this year's church ornament exchange, the tree is ornamentless.
And then I feel horrible and guilty. If I am honest, sometimes I feel downright jealous of other friends and family members whose same-age and sometimes younger children are already walking, talking, and enjoying the beginnings of such traditions.
So, instead of procrastinating, I am resolving to apply the mantra of living in the moment to family traditions starting today.
Tonight the tree will be decorated. We will walk around and look at Christmas lights. Heck, maybe we will still go to Hershey or Dutch Wonderland to see the lights.
If I am the matriarch of traditions, then I had better get started.
I have some traditions to cultivate.
Jen, I LOVED this post. Good for you and I am so glad Kelle inspires you too. I just love her. :) And your peanut is too cute. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!