Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Appointments are always a good time. I say that somewhat seriously and sarcastically. When we go to one of Cameran's many appointments, be it pediatric, cardiology, Ear Nose and Throat, or opthamology (today's appointment) we always leave learning a little more about Cameran's development. It also leaves me with worry.

Case in point--we left the opthamologist, who by all accounts said Cami's glasses are working and she likes the progress that has been made. Just to be followed by Has she ever had an MRI or seen a neurologist? Hello!!! Way to freak out a mother who has to drive home in the beginning of snowstorm! Now rationally I know that she can not see inside Cameran's eye so it makes sense that the neurologist is the specialist who does this. And then she talked about how it wasn't necessary yet because Cameran would have to most likely be "put under" since she is so wiggley. (She is VERY VERY EXTRAORDINARILY WIGGLEY!!!)

Anyway, overall thumbs up to this appointment. Now we need to make it through another 12-18 inches and brace ourselves for the upcoming Ear Nose and Throat appointment. The fun never ends!

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