Thursday, November 11, 2010

Hope for the Future

We parents of kids with special needs live in the present, mainly out of survival. Dwelling on the future leads to nothing good. However, every now and again there is a news story worth sharing that represents glimmers of hope amidst our sea of uncertainty.

Have you read it yet? 


About two weeks ago I toyed with blogging about a work-related "incident" where I temporarily lost my composure after a student, without thinking, decided to entertain my homeroom with said student's version of "I'm a Little Teapot" with some alternate lyrics containing the r-word and some not so nice hand gestures.  Thankfully I teach in a building where name-calling, derogatory remarks, slurs, etc. are not tolerated.  Suffice it to say that this poor child learned his lesson.  I am not proud of my over-reaction to student's antic; I simply chalk it up to my Mama-bear alterego kicking in.  Yeah, yeah, now you are all wondering what happened...Basically I told Student it was not nice to say that word, and that I was the last person Student should say it to/in front of before other students chimed in and reminded Student of my daughter prior to me running out of the room and bursting into tears. 

For a number of other unrelated indiscretions this student found the way to suspension.  All I can think is that Student's display made me think about how strongly I reacted knowing that Cameran is going to someday have to survive middle school and ignorant comments such as this.  It made me sad.  Not so much angry, but sad and hurt. 

And again, I thought about posting two weeks ago when this happened.  But I didn't.  Until now, and for several reasons.  I am now able to make it a short anecdote and not an emotionally-charged tyrade as I fear it may have been had I posted when it actually occured.  Mostly though, because tonight at parent-teacher conferences, Student and family came in together for a conference with the team.  Student was very subdued, and very quietly on the way out, Student made his way over to where I was sitting and apologized.  And it was sincere.  And, in true Jen fashion, I cried.  But, it gives me hope to know that maybe, just maybe Student learned a lesson and will be one lesson individual cracking jokes at people with special needs.


  1. It sucks! I'm so sorry! My sister has said the r-word in front of me and I've yelled at her for it. What you can do is give your daughter the ability to stand up or herself as well. Your daughter will be a strong beautiful individual who can touch other's lives. Hopefully the other kids in the school where you teach will learn tolerance and acceptance through you.

  2. I used to use that word all of the time before I had Kamdyn. It was like a catch phrase. It's so different now. Someone else asked me what the big deal was. I don't think people truly understand until it touches their life directly.

  3. Oh, wow. So sorry that happened. But it sounds like a lesson was truly learned. You may have just really made a difference in that student's life as he realized how powerful words can be and how they have such a hurtful impact on people.

  4. I'm so sorry that happened to you. But hopefully said Student (and family) have learned a lesson in compassion. The link to the story you posted brought tears to my eyes. How incredibly special of that school to elect her as homecoming queen.

    I love the new glasses you got Cameran! I say go funky now while she is too young to over rule you :)


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